An Interview with Natalie Clark


In May 2023, MAGZOID Luxury Magazine featured an exclusive interview with British-American sculptor. 


Read the full article here.  Excerpt included below.


Q. What inspired you to become an artist, and how did you first get started on your artistic journey?

I have always been a very curious and creative person. Even as a young child, I would dig and search for treasure in the garden, finding shards of pottery and fossils. I always felt very connected to the natural world and the beauty within it. Later, I was exposed to ceramics and started my journey into the 3-dimensional world.


Q. How have your travels around the world influenced your art and creative process?

Having been lucky enough to circumnavigate the globe numerous times, I have been inspired by the things that connect us as humans. The similarities and differences have inspired me and have been important in the creation of my work.


Q. Could you describe your process for creating large-scale sculptures in various mediums, such as steel, natural materials, ceramics, and snow?

I have worked with many different materials throughout my career, including natural materials such as Prairie grasses and snow, steel, marble, ceramics, and currently bronze. Creating large-scale sculptures is not for the faint-hearted. There are many factors to be considered, and it’s more of a fusion of architecture and engineering. Moving 10 1/2 tons of marble around in the studio can be a matter of life or death, but that makes it even more challenging and interesting.


Read the full article here.

May 1, 2023
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