Dark Sky Pavilion: Jackson Hole, WY
There is a lost value in natural experiences that reconnect us with what's truly important; finding something that makes us feel human again in this digital 21st century.
Dark Sky Pavilion is a collaborative installation between sculptor, Natalie Clark, and architect, Jakub Galczynski.
There is a lost value in natural experiences that reconnect us with what's truly important; finding something that makes us feel human again in this digital 21st century. Stargazing is one of these few natural experiences where visitors and locals, of all ages, can gather in the night time to celebrate nature.
From many conversations over existing Wyoming Stargazing issues and a desire to provide a portable stargazing pavilion, Natalie and Jakub spent many months conceptualizing a uniquely sculptural architecture. The pavilion would serve as a promotional tool, provide a noticeable meeting point, offer protection from harsh winter winds, allow outdoor planetarium projections and serve as a warming hut.
The Dark Sky Pavilion will make a wonderful meeting place in one of the most beautiful locations in which to view the solar eclipse on August 21st 2017, when the moon will pass between the earth and sun casting a shadow over the planet, a once in a lifetime phenomenon whose prime viewing path will fall within the Grand Teton and Greater Yellowstone environs. The Pavilion will be 28ft tall and have a 20ft circumference, its form takes the shape of an organic ovid slightly askew with three openings, two entries and one sky window, reminiscent of the Artist James Turrell's sculptural chambers which incorporate magical viewing sky gazing portals. The Pavilion is a cold air inflatable construction and will incorporate a cosmic geometry on its shell. Conjuring thoughts of chapels, mosques and caves found in nature.